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Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Honorary Academician of the Academy of Applied Radio Electronics, Professor Alexey Tereshchenko was born in March 21, 1923 in Kharkiv. He studied at school No. 3 in Kharkov, then in Special Artillery Schools. After leaving it in Leningrad he participated in the Great Patriotic War in different fronts as a commander of a fire fighter tank artillery platoon. He was twice wounded, and lost his leg in a battle. For military and labor honours he has three orders and fifteen medals. After the war he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics in Kharkiv State University. In 1953 he defended his thesis "Some Function Modes of the Multi-Magnetron with a Grid" for a Candidate Degree in Physics and Mathematics. In 1969 he was awarded a Doctor Degree in Technical Sciences and became a Professor. He began teaching in 1947 being a student of the 4th year. He had to substitute a sick Lecturer of Radio Measurements in the 5th year. Along with his studies, A.I. Tereshchenko worked in Ukrainian Institute of Physics and Technology. Already in his student years, he had his first author’s certificates and inventions. He combined teaching with his administrative duties: held the Chair of Physics of Microwave Frequencies, was the founder, and then, for nine years the Dean of the Faculty of Radio-Physics in Kharkov State University, for three years he occupied the position of the Research Vice-President of KSU. Holding the first Chair at the new Department, A.I. Tereshchenko trusted young researchers to create the first lab practices, to develop new lectures, but most importantly, from the first days the department focused on scientific work. Every week scientific seminars were held at the Department. Young employees were delegated for business trips to the headlining scientific centers of the USSR, to the first scientific conferences. The best graduates were invited to work at the department. This fruitful policy gave first results when already in 1960 the Department staff defended first three Candidate theses and by 1980 its ten graduates became Doctors. These years imprinted in its students’ memory not only by hard studies, but also by students’ construction teams, sport competitions, and even a jazz ensemble (A.I. Tereshchenko left a music school, specializing in violin). Under his supervision the students in the 1960's created unique electro-musical instruments. Two of them produced an effect of the whole orchestra playing. In 1963 A.I. Tereshchenko was appointed a President of Kharkov Institute of Mining Engineering, Automation and Computer Engineering. After its reformation into Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics (now Kharkov State Technical University of Radio Electronics (KSTURE)), he continues to hold the Chair there, and since 1966 he is a Professor of the Department of Physical Bases of Electronic Equipment. A. I. Tereshchenko always finds time for his students. According to the memories of Zh. F. Pashchenko, his former student, now a lecturer in KSTURE, a Candidate of Technical Sciences, there have always been students around him, and he always had time for them: talked with them about science, life, and philately. He has long been a Chairman of Kharkiv Philatelic Society. And at the same time he is a strict, demanding teacher. A.I. Tereshchenko is an excellent lecturer, which is evidenced by his numerous victories according to "The Best Lecturer" students’ polls. Professor can involve students in science: student scientific groups, scientific societies, handing them over his intellectual heritage. He has supervised more than 20 Candidates and Doctors of Sciences, published more than 300 scientific works. From 1974 to the present time he has been the Chief Editor of "The Radio", the national cross-disciplinary thematic scientific and technical journal.

2023 Кафедра Фізики НВЧ факультету Радіофізики
біомедичної електроніки і комп'ютерних систем
ХНУ ім. В.Н. Каразіна